Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ugly sweater contest!

Students & staff having some laughs prior to the winter break.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ms. Taylor kisses a pig & Mr. Tabares wears a dress

8th grade students collected the most cans during the canned food drive. As a result, the 8th grade class voted on which administrator would kiss a pig. In addition, Mr. T wore a dress during 8th grade lunch!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Classroom Size Coordinate Plane?

Math students playing a game to reinforce their conceptual understanding of graphing ordered pairs, finding the reflection, and identifying key vocabulary on a coordinate plane.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Filling the POD for the Capital Area Food Bank

Thank you Mrs. Smith for coordintaing the Legacy of Giving Canned Food Drive & Coats for Kids campaign!

Environmental Studies classes: "Consumption" of water activity

Students in Environmental Studies formed "families" and walked approximately a 1/2 mile around our school with 5 gallon water jugs to simulate walking a distance to obtain access to a water source. Students then discussed the term "consumption" and what it meant to their everyday life. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

1st Annual Golf Tournament at Grey Rock (Cougar Classic)

 Coach Johnson won the longest drive competition & 3rd place Team award.

 1st place: Team Garza

 2nd place: Team Central Market
 Coach Garza sporting flamingo golf covers.

 Ms. Taylor & co.

 Coach Obersteller and his adorable daughter.

 Better luck next year on a chance to win a Chevy truck!

Coach Johnson, Coach Garza, Mr. Washington, & Russell Lyday eating a BBQ dinner.

Socializing at the BBQ dinner and silent auction.