Thursday, September 29, 2011

Spirit Week: Troops Thursday!

 Mrs. Garza & Ms. Taylor showing their school spirit!
 Students showing school pride!
 What would we do without our outstanding parent volunteers?
 Students showing school pride!
 Have you purchased your homecoming mum or garter yet?
Booster Club parents selling wristbands for the school dance.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Homecoming Spirit Week at Small Middle School!

This week is spirit week! Students are celebrating school spirit by dressing according to the theme of the day:

9/26 – MISMATCHED MONDAY: Wear as many different styles and colors as you possibly can 
9/27 – TWIN TUESDAY: Pick a friend and dress alike…the more people involved and dressed alike, the better!
9/28 – WILD WEST WEDNESDAY: Dress up is your western best. Boots and bandanas!
9/29 – TROOPS THURSDAY: Camouflage, boots…anything to support our troops!
9/30 – FANDEMONIUM FRIDAY: Support our CSMS Cougars by wearing your purple and black!
On Friday, the cheerleaders and dance program will lead the school in our first pep rally with a special performance by the boys hip hop class. Friday night, administration will sponsor a homecoming school dance for 7th & 8th grade students (6:30 - 8:30 p.m.).
Monday is the homecoming football game at Berger stadium (5:30 p.m.). The pep band will play, so come out and enjoy an evening honoring our players and the school.
A special thank you goes out to the Athletic Booster Club for selling homecoming mums and promoting overall school spirit, student council for coordination of the spirit days, and the cheerleaders/dancers for leading the pep rally.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Small Tech Academy: Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Pre-Engineering students at work!

Students in the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Technology Academy Pre-Engineering course are designing robots to clean their rooms. For more information on the PLTW curriculum, go to:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Athletic Booster Club tailgating party: September 12, 2011

Thank you Small MS Athletic Booster Club
for the delicious burgers and hot dogs!
Go Cougars!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

"Small School, Big Heart"

Remembering 9/11: "Small School, Big Heart"

10 years ago our nation experienced a devastating terrorist attack. At that time, Small Middle School students and faculty gathered outside of the school to form a human heart, showing support of our school, community, and our nation in memory of those who lost their lives in the attacks. Since the human heart experience, our school has embraced the identity, "Small School, Big Heart."  In remembrance of those who lost their lives on 9/11, today our students and staff wore national colors. During each grade-level TRACK advisory time, our students formed a human heart. Our journalism teacher, Jena Weber, captured 3 photos and will merge them into one graphic to represent our heartfelt sorrow.
September 9, 2011
September 14, 2001

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Wind Turbine has arrived!

Students in the Green Tech Academy will soon be able to track the amount of energy produced by our very own wind turbine! The 6 ft in diameter structure will be installed on the roof of the 3rd floor academic wing and produce electricity for our facility.

Big Event in the Green Academy: field-based enrichment experiences

Today from 1:00 - 3:00, students in the Green Academy are participating in a species study and "the Big Event." -Amy Taylor

Post from Mr. Mathews "In Small Gardens" blog:

Species Study and the Big Event

This semester Small Middle School is launching the Green Tech Academy at Small. We are expanding our environmental science elective course offerings. Students will be able to choose either a green or tech track.
David Bamberger once shared with me that he thinks every student should pick one plant or animal species and study that throughout their school career. Each student would become the expert on that species. Students rarely have the opportunity to study any topic in depth and so lack an understanding of how to do meaningful research. Our plan is to have incoming 6thth graders they would expand their investigation to actual field study, and if possible, participate in an ongoing research project. Several local wildlife experts have already agreed to mentor the fieldwork. Once they have made it to 8th grade, we expect students to keep abreast of new information and further their field experience, as well as, develop a presentation for staff and peers. We will be offering an independent studies semester-long elective for this purpose. Students who already have credit for green classes they took at Small last year will also be invited to participate.
To help students choose a species, we are inviting some local experts to participate in a kick off event modeled after a career fair (The Big Event) on Tuesday, September 6th. So far, our presenters are David Bamberger, keynote address, snake expert, Jared Holmes, raptor rehabilitator, Sallye Delahousseye, and small mammal rehabilitator, Ed Sones. They will be bringing live animals.

6th grade dance (first week of school)!

6th grade students celebrated the 1st week of middle school with a dance on Friday, August 26th.

Great start to the 2011-2012 school year!

With the implementation of the block schedule, the school year is off to a GREAT start! Students have adjusted well to 90-minute classes!