Monday, May 9, 2011

Cougar Capers Fun

On Friday, May 6, 2011, students, staff, and parent volunteers participated in the annual school carnival called "Cougar Capers." Everyone had a great time!

Ms. Reynolds at the "Pie in the face" booth.
 Mr. Kepner with pie in his face!
 Can you guess which staff member is behind the pie?
 Ms. Miller managing the long line for colored hair spray!
 Mr. Poliakoff helping with the tire toss booth.
 The slide...
 Koi pond

 Ms. Burgess, Mr. Beam, & Mr. Scott managing the "lollipop tree"

 Ms. Awad, Ms. Babb, Ms. Smith, & Ms. Doggett
 Ms. Munoz, Mr. Tabares, & Ms. Ballentine
 Mr. Matthews & parent volunteers selling freshly made popcorn!
 Ms. Owen & Ms. Collop
 Mr. Whittemore, Ms. Sindt, & Mr. Moore
 Ms. Townsend (Small MS PIE Volunteer of the Year)
 Ms. Siler & Ms. Klein selling yummy snacks!
 Is that Mr. Castilleja in the dunking booth?
 Do we love TAKS? Ms. Smootz & Mr. Obersteller
Mr. McReynolds after the dunking booth....